Welcome to The Sydney Kennel Club website
Our Patrons:
Lady Potter AC
1995 – present
Lady Primrose Potter is the widow of the Late Sir Ian Potter and a Life Governor of the Ian Potter Foundation. (see ianpotter.org.au)
Sir Ian Potter (1902-1994), company director, stockbroker, merchant banker and philanthropist, was deeply involved in the visual and performing arts, and used his entrepreneurial skills to develop key Arts organizations in Australia.
During the 1950’s to 1970’s Lady Potter very successfully bred and exhibited Miniature Poodles under the Valencay prefix, and imported many outstanding Poodle stud dogs from the UK. In addition, Lady Potter was an outstanding judge of Poodles at Championship level.
Mrs Helen Furber
1988 - present
Mrs. Helen Furber together with her late husband, Dr James Furber, has been a staunch supporter of the Club over many years. She is one of Australia’s most senior lady All Breeds Judges with very considerable international experience. Helen is principally a very well regarded breeder under the Furbari prefix of Afghan Hounds, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Shih Tzu. Indeed she has the distinguished record of breeding more Australian Champion top winning Afghan Hounds than any other involved in this breed.
Life Members:
Mr. Robert L Curtis OAM
Mrs. Kay Eldred
Mrs Kay Eldred's service to The Sydney Kennel Club is recognised by Life Membership of The Club.
Presented by Fellow Life Member Mr. Robert L Curtis OAM
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